I am a warrior, brave and true
My little Blackjack is such a different dog than he was less than a week ago when he arrived in foster paradise. Sunday night he really showed his hunting abilities (and patience) by engaging with a 20 minute stare down with a cat on our fence. I couldn't get a good picture without ruining the moment, but it was so funny.
After his hunt, he was inspired. He came in the house and decided it was time to hunt the vicious wheel on the TV stand. After that turned out to be not as fun as it sounded, he finally decided he wanted to play with his toys. He hunted his pretzel and ran around like a goofy boy! It was so nice to see him be a happy dog for the first time!
Monday I had a very long day at work. 13 hours later i got home to discover a very excited dog who seemed to have missed me, and, even better, no accidents! He was totally stoked that I was home and wanted lots of pets. Then we went for our walk and he was a complete nutso. When I met Blackjack last week, he was not in a hurry to do anything. Yesterday and today he was tearing down the street on his walk, just so happy to be out and sniff and see the neighborhood.
If you want to cause a scene in your neighborhood, why not bring Blackjack along for the ride? Adopt him here.