Day 20: A fur-ever home

This update is a little late in coming, as I wanted to be sure everyone settled in perfectly before I posted. 


It was very sad to watch that sweet lady walk down the street with a new mom, but she found a fantastic home with an awesome new mom and two human sisters who love her. 

Stay tuned for a new foster dog who needs a home! His name is Virgil and he's arriving tomorrow. 


Day 19: Sleeping with her eyes open

I’m pretty sure Waffles sometimes sleeps with her eyes open. It’s hard to say for sure, but it seems like it. I think she’s awake and I pet her, and she gives all the signs of having been awoken. Hilarious. 

Today was a repeat visit to the vet. You know, it’s just not what Waffles wants to do. I had to dope her up and even then she still wasn’t stoked. But it’s done and her ears are just fine and her nails are trimmed.  

Some morons were setting off M80s or something even louder in the neighborhood last night. Several went off during our walk and Waffles jumped out of her skin. It continued after we got home. Waffles does not like all that nonsense. After such a crazy day, when we could finally sit down, she just had to curl up on my lap and relax. 


Day 18: Waffles is always happy!

When I brought this little goofball home, she was scared as can be. In less than 3 weeks she's transformed into just the happiest little girl. I was able to get home from work a little earlier than normal today and it was still daylight (albeit cold) when I got home. Waffles was extra delighted to see me and ran around the yard like a crazy girl she was so happy. She was so excited to go on an extra long walk, despite having to wear her coat again, and of course was stoked to eat, because eating is her favorite! 

Now she's curled up on a couch pillow like she owns the place!


Day 16: A cold walk after a long day

Waffles had a long day of lounging in bed, as i had to leave SUPER early this morning. But as usual, she did great! She was so happy to see me when I got home, and came bounding out the door to do her customary celebration lap. Waffles knows that when I get home, it's time for a walk. No matter if it's freezing out, she lets me know it's time to go. So off we went into the cold. Waffles did not seem to mind the cold one bit...however she did seem to mind it last night and i found her buried under all the blankets this morning. A lady is entitled to be fickle, i suppose.

Day 15: Car rides are the best!

Waffles really loves to just hang out with her people (me, in this case) and she loves car rides. She was helping me put some air in my tires today, and just jumped right in to the car, wanting to go for a ride. How could i say no to this punim:


Waffles came along with me for a few quick errands around town, and then we decided it was as warm as it was going to get for our walk. We went for a nice long walk since tomorrow will be a long day at work. She loves her walk, but is just happy to get back home and crawl back into bed. In fact, I just realized she's been sleeping in there for hours and hasn't had her dinner yet. She must be beat!


Day 14: A hike and a fur-ever home?

Today Waffles had a meet and greet with a very nice family who might be her fur-ever home!!! While we are both very sad about her potentially leaving, we both know she'll be so much happier in a great home, with great people, and kids to play with!!! There were a lot of people loving Waffles all at once today, and she did really well with all the fun and excitement. 

To celebrate, Waffles and I went on a little hike. It was pretty cold at the top of the hill, and Waffles does not believe this is her best look, but we're pretty pleased with ourselves for not being lazy because of the cold. Waffles loves the park and got to see ducks and other little woodland creatures. She can see, hear, and smell every little thing. It was fun to watch her explore and find things to hunt.


After our hike we walked around a little more. But between all the people, the hike, and the wonders of nature, not to mention her inherit laziness, I had one exhausted little girl on my hands


Day 13: A trip to the pet store and a collar

Waffles and I decided it was time she had a collar. Since it was a nice sunny day, we decided to take a long walk through the neighborhood and to swing by our local pet store. As usual, Waffles was a dream on her walk. 

We got to the pet store, and she was a very good girl. There was a dog in a crate barking at her, but she didn't mind at all. We met some very nice strangers, including a man, who gave her lots of love, and she just soaked it up. 

Waffles is now the proud owner of a pretty pink collar


Day 12: Gung ho fat choy

Happy Chinese new year! Waffles has decided that fireworks are kind of lame. She hopes that everyone has a happy new year, and is excited to ring in the year of the dog, but wishes the fireworks stop soon. She doesn't freak out too much, but was definitely on edge during the walk, and I think that's what caused our 1:00 am wakeup.

Fireworks aside, Waffles is doing great! She's decided to keep me company tonight and is switching between the couch and the dog bed as her sleeping perch. 

We're looking forward to a three day weekend filled with walks, naps, and other lazy sundries. Hope you have a great weekend too!

Day 11: Walks, naps, food

I worked from home the past couple days and I can now confirm my suspicions about Waffles busy schedule. She for real lays in bed all day! Today she spent some time on the couch as well, but mostly in the bed. I disturbed her slumber to go for a walk, which she was really happy about. Her whole body starts to wiggle when she figures out it's walk time! Once we returned, she hopped right back in bed. I thought she'd keep me company in my office or something. nope. She did come in when she was starting to get hungry to let me know it was time for her to eat. Of course, I'm pretty sure Waffles always thinks its time for her to eat, which is why we're on a healthy eating plan. 

Waffles wishes everyone a happy Friday eve, and she's excited for the weekend!


Day 9: 2 rogue dogs, 1 good girl

Today Waffles had some near encounters with some dogs. But she was a good girl through it all. My neighbor's little mini Yorkie always comes under my fence. the poor little thing can get out of my yard and is always running around IN THE STREET and all over the neighborhood. I spent an hour chasing after that dog one day...Anyway, someone was able to come give Waffles a potty break while I was in depths of another long day. Miss Waffles just wanted to lay in the sun. But then this stupid dog came under the fence and Waffles had to go in the house. But she didn't react to the dog in any way. She was just a good girl and scooted inside when told.

The next near-encounter was on our walk. I got home late, so it was way later than we wanted to be out. But Waffles mostly likes to go potty on her walk, and she was cooped up for over 12 hours in the house (minus a short break), so off we went. All of a sudden we're down by the park and this giant dog comes out of no where!!!! It seemed like the dog just wanted to say hi. Now i'm not totally sure of the friendliness of this dog and there's no owner in sight (no surprise, there's always a rogue animal coming from this one sketchy business), so i was a little (a lot) on edge at this point. I'm yelling at this dog to get away and tugging Waffles in the other direction. The dog is not really taking the hint, but isn't in our face or anything. Waffles was definitely interested, as she is in other dogs we pass, and she pulled a little to go see the dog (totally normal), but she didn't bark or make a peep, and pretty much was fine to keep walking. Once again, a good girl!


Day 8: Sometimes, you just need a little Waffles love

Whew. Today was a real doozy. A very stressful day. But I got to come home to a sweet girl who was just the happiest lady alive when I got home. She was totally stoked to eat and then take a walk. Despite being alone all day, she's already back in bed. She's totally happy and crazy, but when it's time to settle down, she's ready! In fact, most of the time that we're home, she's just hanging out in bed. Doesn't even want to hang out with me. 

this was Waffles when I left for work this morning


Day 6: New friends!

So the report from the shelter said Waffles was not good around men. In particular she would cower and pee when the man of the house called her. As noted, we had Jennifer's husband Joel come over and she was totally fine with him.

Yesterday, I had a guy come over for a good part of the day. We had a great intro where she was just interested in treats. Then we just went about and did normal things. We changed out a light fixture which involved a ladder and even some loud cheering when we successfully completed the project. We went for a walk and then came home to watch a Warriors game. Most of the swearing was done in a high-pitched soothing voice, but a few yells were thrown in. Waffles didn't seem to care one way or the other, she just chilled on her bed. She was completely fine all day, and really, she seems to like him more than me. Every time he went to the garage, she ran after to help. If he called her, she came running (I can't get this dog to come when I call her at all). He got up at one point, and Waffles swooped in and stole his seat on the couch. For some reason, he was paying ZERO attention when he came back and plopped down right on poor Waffles before I could get a word out. She yelped (understandably) and scooted away and seemed a little scared. But then he ran into the kitchen to get her an apology treat and she came running after once he called her.

Now, Waffles wants to write this next part herself to express her enthusiasm for what she claims wast he best day ever.


Day 5: Settling in

What a week we've had! Everyone is very happy it's Friday! My work schedule was pretty busy this week, and most days i was gone for long hours. Luckily, Waffles is completely house trained and probably sleeps in my bed most of the day. Today tho, I had my first signs that Waffles is feeling at home. She has just a few toys, and they live on the dog bed in the living room. She moved one once, and I tried to play with them outside with her, but she's not super interested. Today when i got home, I noticed the toys were not on her bed. I thought maybe I didn't bring them back out after my house cleaners left. I thought i'd figure it out later and went into my bedroom to change. On my bed were her three toys and a shoe (gross!). The shoe was untouched other than its journey from door to bed. She then rearranged the blankets on the bed to her liking. I'm glad she made herself comfortable. 

We took a walk and then just settled in so I could finish up my work for the week (fun). Waffles helped by snoring extra loud to give me a sound track. What a good girl!


Day 4: The Vet

We took a little ride to the vet. Waffles is good as gold in the car and just sits in her seat as happy as can be.


The verdict: She's still on quarantine, but her heart and lungs sound good. The test to determine if she really has the flu is expensive, so we'll just continue with our quarantine plan. I have not noticed any coughing that couldn't be explained by something else, like oh, eating grass, so I can't say for sure if she's asymptomatic, but she's doing all the normal dog stuff.

So Waffles is not so much a fan of the vet. But the vet reassured me this is not uncommon and that we can give her a little chill pill in advance to help. In reality, she does fine with most of the exam, but she does NOT like having her ears examined at all. I don't think we set up Waffles for a ton of success on the adventure. First of all, poor Waffles has just been through a lot recently. Secondly, we waited in the car for over an hour for our appointment, but Waffles was way more patient than me, and just sat there happily. In the behavior department, i'd score it as Waffles: 1, Me: 0. Due to the flu, we started the exam in the car, and then moved the whole production outside where she then proceeded to wriggle out of her harness somehow and almost ran off! We wrestled her to the ground in time (WHEW!!!!!!). Then we were inside a laundry room, where we finished off our exam. She had no problem with the male vet tech, but was not so happy with the female vet touching her ears. I personally am not the hugest fan of the doctor, so hey, what do you want.

But right after she was just back to her normal relaxed self and even had the patience to wait in a giant gas line at Costco (Waffles: 1, Me: 0)

I'm giving everyone (esp me) a few days to recover from this episode, and then we'll see about trying the vet again to just double check one of her ears and maybe get her nails trimmed.


Day 3: A walk and some treats

This day was pretty awesome as far as Waffles was concerned. She greeted me with puppy kisses first thing this morning and was just rolling around on the bed like the happiest girl in the world. This girl loves a people bed. She had no problem finding her spot on the bed, and if i'm wondering where she is, I am certain to find her there.

My co-foster mom, the amazing Jennifer, came by with a leash and some treats. We learned that Waffles knows her commands and hand signals so long as a treat is involved. Prior attempts sans treat were not successful. But with a treat in hand, her butt is on the floor before you even turn your head. Jennifer also brought along her husband Joel to see how Waffles would react to a man in a non-threatening environment. We loaded him up with treats and Waffles did not care who was giving her that treat so long as she got it! Unless a treat was present, she was fairly indifferent toward him, but happy to receive attention and belly rubs.

Now that i'm equipped with a leash and harness, it was time for our first walk! Judging by how snugly that harness fit, there will be many more. Waffles was a dream on the walk. She doesn't pull on the leash at all, just walks nicely next to you. She likes to stop and check things out, but no tugging. We passed by two yards with dogs. She stopped and looked but didn't even bark. I don't think i've heard her bark except in the shelter. We've played and run around, but no noise.

I think someone loved Waffles once and taught her good manners and behavior. She's looking for someone to make her a special part of their family!



Hi Everyone

Waffles has a sad story with a happy middle. What she needs is a fairy tale ending! This is where you come in. She needs a fur-ever home. Maybe you're ready for a little Waffles love in your life? Maybe you know someone who is? Please, please, share all over the story of Waffles and let's find her the home of her dreams. 

Check out her Facebook post from when she needed a jail break. 

Waffles is a Bay Area gal, but we can get creative and find her a home anywhere on the west coast or beyond.

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