Day 4: The Vet
We took a little ride to the vet. Waffles is good as gold in the car and just sits in her seat as happy as can be.
The verdict: She's still on quarantine, but her heart and lungs sound good. The test to determine if she really has the flu is expensive, so we'll just continue with our quarantine plan. I have not noticed any coughing that couldn't be explained by something else, like oh, eating grass, so I can't say for sure if she's asymptomatic, but she's doing all the normal dog stuff.
So Waffles is not so much a fan of the vet. But the vet reassured me this is not uncommon and that we can give her a little chill pill in advance to help. In reality, she does fine with most of the exam, but she does NOT like having her ears examined at all. I don't think we set up Waffles for a ton of success on the adventure. First of all, poor Waffles has just been through a lot recently. Secondly, we waited in the car for over an hour for our appointment, but Waffles was way more patient than me, and just sat there happily. In the behavior department, i'd score it as Waffles: 1, Me: 0. Due to the flu, we started the exam in the car, and then moved the whole production outside where she then proceeded to wriggle out of her harness somehow and almost ran off! We wrestled her to the ground in time (WHEW!!!!!!). Then we were inside a laundry room, where we finished off our exam. She had no problem with the male vet tech, but was not so happy with the female vet touching her ears. I personally am not the hugest fan of the doctor, so hey, what do you want.
But right after she was just back to her normal relaxed self and even had the patience to wait in a giant gas line at Costco (Waffles: 1, Me: 0)
I'm giving everyone (esp me) a few days to recover from this episode, and then we'll see about trying the vet again to just double check one of her ears and maybe get her nails trimmed.