Day 3: A walk and some treats

This day was pretty awesome as far as Waffles was concerned. She greeted me with puppy kisses first thing this morning and was just rolling around on the bed like the happiest girl in the world. This girl loves a people bed. She had no problem finding her spot on the bed, and if i'm wondering where she is, I am certain to find her there.

My co-foster mom, the amazing Jennifer, came by with a leash and some treats. We learned that Waffles knows her commands and hand signals so long as a treat is involved. Prior attempts sans treat were not successful. But with a treat in hand, her butt is on the floor before you even turn your head. Jennifer also brought along her husband Joel to see how Waffles would react to a man in a non-threatening environment. We loaded him up with treats and Waffles did not care who was giving her that treat so long as she got it! Unless a treat was present, she was fairly indifferent toward him, but happy to receive attention and belly rubs.

Now that i'm equipped with a leash and harness, it was time for our first walk! Judging by how snugly that harness fit, there will be many more. Waffles was a dream on the walk. She doesn't pull on the leash at all, just walks nicely next to you. She likes to stop and check things out, but no tugging. We passed by two yards with dogs. She stopped and looked but didn't even bark. I don't think i've heard her bark except in the shelter. We've played and run around, but no noise.

I think someone loved Waffles once and taught her good manners and behavior. She's looking for someone to make her a special part of their family!
