Day 5: Settling in
What a week we've had! Everyone is very happy it's Friday! My work schedule was pretty busy this week, and most days i was gone for long hours. Luckily, Waffles is completely house trained and probably sleeps in my bed most of the day. Today tho, I had my first signs that Waffles is feeling at home. She has just a few toys, and they live on the dog bed in the living room. She moved one once, and I tried to play with them outside with her, but she's not super interested. Today when i got home, I noticed the toys were not on her bed. I thought maybe I didn't bring them back out after my house cleaners left. I thought i'd figure it out later and went into my bedroom to change. On my bed were her three toys and a shoe (gross!). The shoe was untouched other than its journey from door to bed. She then rearranged the blankets on the bed to her liking. I'm glad she made herself comfortable.
We took a walk and then just settled in so I could finish up my work for the week (fun). Waffles helped by snoring extra loud to give me a sound track. What a good girl!