Day 9: 2 rogue dogs, 1 good girl

Today Waffles had some near encounters with some dogs. But she was a good girl through it all. My neighbor's little mini Yorkie always comes under my fence. the poor little thing can get out of my yard and is always running around IN THE STREET and all over the neighborhood. I spent an hour chasing after that dog one day...Anyway, someone was able to come give Waffles a potty break while I was in depths of another long day. Miss Waffles just wanted to lay in the sun. But then this stupid dog came under the fence and Waffles had to go in the house. But she didn't react to the dog in any way. She was just a good girl and scooted inside when told.

The next near-encounter was on our walk. I got home late, so it was way later than we wanted to be out. But Waffles mostly likes to go potty on her walk, and she was cooped up for over 12 hours in the house (minus a short break), so off we went. All of a sudden we're down by the park and this giant dog comes out of no where!!!! It seemed like the dog just wanted to say hi. Now i'm not totally sure of the friendliness of this dog and there's no owner in sight (no surprise, there's always a rogue animal coming from this one sketchy business), so i was a little (a lot) on edge at this point. I'm yelling at this dog to get away and tugging Waffles in the other direction. The dog is not really taking the hint, but isn't in our face or anything. Waffles was definitely interested, as she is in other dogs we pass, and she pulled a little to go see the dog (totally normal), but she didn't bark or make a peep, and pretty much was fine to keep walking. Once again, a good girl!
