A comedy of errors

Virgil and I had quite the adventure this morning! Before work I take him on a walk around the block. It's a slow walk, but we don't go too far. I'm not exactly little miss sunshine in the morning, so there is pretty much no room for error and I don't have a ton of patience for little aggravations like putting on a harness. Virgil has been a pretty mellow walker, so I just hook the leash to his collar and off we go!

Well, we're just walking along when we see another dog. Virgil decides to lose his ever-loving mind over this dog. I'm trying to get him to calm down when that collar just slips off of his neck and he is free! He just wanted to say hi to the dog, but when I came tearing after him he ran into the street (thankfully no cars!). So here I am at 7 am screeching in the middle of the street, chasing after Virgil, with the roll of poop bags in my pocket beginning to unravel like a tail. You can only imagine the scene.

I caught the little bugger pretty quickly and got him back in his collar. I apologized to the other dog owner and we were on our way. 

We finally get home after this little adventure and I realize I forgot my house keys. Luckily, I have a spare. Somehow I still made my train and little Virgil had a relaxing day at home. We took a nice walk this evening. With a harness. 

If you want a walking buddy who keeps you on your toes, you can adopt Virgil here.

Virgil says sorry to the fine folks of 19th street for the rude awakening you had today.
